Flood risk (Adur and Worthing)

This information applies to both Adur and Worthing.

On the West Sussex County Council website:

See also:

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2024 Adur and Worthing Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

This report has been prepared to provide evidence to support and inform future updates to the Adur Local Plan. It supersedes the previous 2020 Adur and Worthing Level 1 SFRA and considers the Local Plan areas of Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council excluding the South Downs National Park.

The SFRA update was required to be compliant with the latest guidance described in the revised 2023 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and updated 2022 Planning Policy Guidance (PPG). The SFRA provides flood risk evidence and long term strategy to support the management and planning of development, protect the environment and deliver infrastructure. It also supports the selection of site allocations in the Local Plan reviews and provides information and guidance to be used in the preparation of Flood Risk Assessments in support of site specific planning applications.



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2020 Adur and Worthing Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

This Level 2 SFRA was undertaken to provide detail of the level of actual flood risk from all sources to inform and support allocations in the Worthing Local Plan. This includes information on flood depths, extent of flooding, flood velocities and flood hazard for the present-day situation as well as flood extents for climate change conditions allowing the change over the lifetime of proposed development to be understood. Please note this is based on mapping from the previous 2020 SFRA and will be updated in due course.

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Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls Scheme

Feasibility studies for flood defences for both the east and west banks of the River Adur are available from the Environment Agency, see:

See also:

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Page last updated: 23 July 2024

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