Submission Draft Worthing Local Plan Consultation (January 2021)


Worthing Borough Council recognises the importance of having an up-to-date Local Plan in place that can enable 'local decision-making' and guide development that is sustainable, inclusive and resilient. After a number of years of preparation the Council published its final version of the Plan for comment.

The consultation on the Submission Draft Worthing Local Plan ran for 8 weeks between Tuesday 26th January and Tuesday 23rd March 2021.

This was the 'Regulation 19' stage and it was the formal stage of the consultation process, prior to submission to the Secretary of State for Examination. Within a specific remit, this 'Publication' stage provided all interested stakeholders with the opportunity to comment on the policy content of the Council's Plan. Although the consultation period has now closed all key documents are still available to view below.

The representations were submitted alongside the Local Plan and its evidence base to the Secretary of State, who will appoint an Inspector to carry out an independent examination.

Representations made during consultation:

All representations that were received during the consultation period can be viewed below. The representations are separated into nine files with an accompanying index file:

Where appropriate, identifying information has been redacted for data protection reasons.

Summary providing a breakdown of representations received against the policies and allocations in the Submission Draft Worthing Local Plan:

Consultation Statement:

So, what has been done so far ...

Prior to consultation on the Submission Draft, the plan has already been through two rounds of public consultation:

The comments submitted at these two consultations have been considered and have helped to shape the Plan. The Plan has also been informed by a comprehensive evidence base and, using this information, Worthing Borough Council considers that the Local Plan that was published for comment is 'sound' and establishes a clear and robust strategy for the Borough.

Submission Draft Worthing Local Plan Consultation documents:

All key documents relating to this stage of the Local Plan preparation are linked below. At this stage, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Council is unable to place hard copies of the documents on deposit in the usual locations, but this will be actioned at such time restrictions are eased. In certain circumstances, the Council will be happy to provide hard copies of the Local Plan to specific groups, particularly those with limited internet access.

Supporting documents

A number of these documents are still 'live' and being progressed. The finalised version will be provided as part of the Submission process.

Whole Plan Viability Assessment (WPVA)

Evidence base

Local Plan Route Mapper

The Route Mapper has been prepared by the Planning Advisory Service to assist Councils as they progress Local Plans. It provides advice on project planning and management which has helped in scoping and developing an approach to the Council's policies update which is appropriate and proportionate to Worthing. This work also provides a detailed assessment of conformity and soundness in line with the requirements of the NPPF.

Statement of Community Involvement and Engagement Strategy

A 'call for sites'

Given the significant levels of housing need in the Borough the Council is always keen to know of any potential development sites. If you are aware of any sites that are at least 0.25 hectares in size OR capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings please let us know. In addition, if there are any sites that are currently included within the SHLAA for which you have updated information please also let us know. For more information (including 'Call for Sites' response forms) please see:

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Page last updated: 20 December 2022

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