Supported housing
Supported housing is for people who need some support to live independently, but don't want to live in a care home. They may need support because they have a learning disability or mental health condition.
People living in supported housing have a support worker, or key worker, who can help them with:
- developing everyday skills like cooking, cleaning and shopping
- managing a budget
- filling out forms to claim eligible benefits, such as Housing Benefit
- accessing education, employment and training
Residents have a tenancy agreement and are responsible for rent and bills.
Applying for supported housing
Supported housing is allocated on referral. Please contact us if you think you need help so we can discuss your needs.
Supported housing for older people can be found through the Choice Based Lettings scheme, or by applying for extra care housing or sheltered housing.
For all of these options you will need to:
What happens when you apply
There may be a wait until you can be allocated housing to meet your needs, depending on whether there are any suitable vacancies when you apply.
Leaving supported housing
If you move into supported housing you can stay there as long as it meets your needs. If at some point you are ready to move on, your key worker will be able to help you find suitable new accommodation.
If you are ever asked to leave your supported housing accommodation, due to breaking the terms of your tenancy agreement or because you have not paid your rent, it is very unlikely that we would be able to provide you with any new accommodation, or refer you to another supported housing project.
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Housing: Accommodation Team
Page last updated: 04 November 2022