Make a Building Regulations Application (apply for building regulations approval)
In order to make a Building Regulations application the following steps should be followed. We can now accept payment for building control applications online.
Step 1: is an application required?
Decide if an application is required, see:
Step 2: what type of application is required?
Decide which type of application is required and whether to use an online or postal process, see:
Step 3: complete and submit the relevant form
Complete the relevant application form - online forms offer the option to pay securely.
When you submit the form you should include:
- completed application form
- plans (if required)
- structural calculations (if required)
- any other supporting information
- fee:
- if an Adur address the fee should be made payable to:
'Adur District Council' - if a Worthing address the fee should be made payable to:
'Worthing Borough Council' - see also: Building Control fees
- if an Adur address the fee should be made payable to:
Applications online:
(householders and non-domestic/commercial)
Applications by post / paper:
Full Plans application form:
Full Plans Application form - to type into (39KB)
Full Plans Application form - to hand write (277KB)
Building Notice application form:
Building Notice Application form - to type into (47KB)
Building Notice Application form - to hand write (239KB)
Regularisation application form:
Regularisation Application form - to type into (45KB)
Regularisation Application form - to hand write (221KB)
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Building Control
Page last updated: 06 December 2023