Splash Point

Splash Point 200 x 150

Junction of Marine Parade and Warwick Road on the seafront,
West Sussex,
BN11 3PN

Note - 'Splash Point' should not be confused with the nearby: 

Facilities and attractions

Passive Leisure Open Space Event

See also:

About this site

In 2002 a new landscaping scheme was introduced at Splash Point to enhance the sea front area. This is a prominent location, close to the Town Centre and is ideal for the introduction of an area of soft landscaping, planted within the shingle itself. The scheme ties in well with other plans to introduce wildflowers to the single that will seed naturally.

Two planting areas were created from old groynes and rocks to blend with the existing seaside features. The beds have been planted with maritime plants that will withstand the rigours of the salt spray. The wildflowers when planted will provide colour and give a naturalistic feel.

The informality of the planting is designed to be in keeping with the seaside environment, using some plants that can be found naturally in similar situations. The planting will also contrast with the greater formality and hard lines of the upright groynes in the planting and structures within Denton Gardens.

See also:

Note - 'Splash Point' should not be confused with the nearby:

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Page last updated: 17 August 2021

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