
This is a guide on how and where to barbecue safely on Adur and Worthing beaches and Goring Greensward. This information has been updated from the pages relating to bonfires on beaches, so please tell your friends and family about the rules.

See also:

Barbecues on the beach

You cannot barbecue at:

  • Kingston beach
  • Shoreham beach
  • Southwick and Fishersgate beaches

Please respect these areas.

You can barbecue at:

  • Lancing beach: Barbecues are permitted on Lancing beach, from April through to October each year, in the designated area to the west of the beach where special disposal bins are provided. Lancing beach is controlled by Lancing Parish Council.
  • Worthing beach: you may barbeque on Worthing Beach all year round.  If you choose to use a disposable barbeque, please ensure you dispose of it safely. Please also refrain from making open fires / wild fires as these are hazardous to beach users as per Seaside Byelaws (Fires 7) - “No person shall on the seashore light a fire, or place, throw or drop a lighted match or any other thing likely to cause a fire.”

See also: Barbecue dos and don'ts below

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Barbecues on Goring Greensward

The Council also provide a number of large purpose made metal barbecue stations during the summer months on the Greensward between Sea Lane, Goring and Sea Lane Ferring. We recognise the positive benefits which public barbecues hold for residents and visitors.

Photo: Metal barbecue station on the Greensward

Metal barbecue station on the Greensward (between Sea Lane in Goring, and Sea Lane in Ferring)

Please make sure you follow the guidelines and instructions, a leaflet is provided below for your information. This will ensure that your barbecue will be a pleasant event and will not cause damage or a nuisance to other users of the land.

To organise a barbecue at Goring Greensward please see how do I hire this site for an open space event?

See also:

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Barbecue dos ... Green tick - yes please

  • always contain barbecues in a metal tray
  • always raise barbecues above the pebbles to prevent them getting hot and burning people or animals once you have left the beach (people won't be able to see where your barbecue has been)
  • once you have finished, please douse the barbecue with cold water to ensure the fire is fully out and the coals are cold
  • finally always dispose of your litter by taking it home with you or using the bins provided near to beaches when you leave - any food remains should be well wrapped before being placed in a bin

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Barbecue don'ts ... Red cross - no thank you

  • do not light a fire - this is extremely dangerous to other beach users and has caused serious injuries in the past
  • do not cover up hot stones with cold ones - cold stones shatter when they warm up and can cause injury - hot stones can cause serious injuries
  • do not leave your litter behind - please take it home with you or using the bins provided near to beaches when you leave - any food remains should be well wrapped before being placed in a bin
  • do not play amplified music
  • do not have more than 20 people at your gathering
  • do not please do not bring any glass on to our beaches

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Page last updated: 18 July 2024

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