Validating and deciding on applications

We recommend seeking pre-application advice before submitting a planning application to save unnecessary delays

How we validate your application

When we receive your application, we will check to make sure we have all the information we need to make a decision on the application. We will acknowledge your application when it is valid and provide details of any fees paid.

So that progress can be monitored electronically all applications are displayed on Public Access.

Plans can be viewed electronically at either:

  • Worthing Town Hall,
    Chapel Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN11 1HA
  • The Shoreham Centre,
    Pond Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN43 5WU

Larger schemes may also be in paper format at The Shoreham Centre for Adur District Council applications or Worthing Town Hall for Worthing Borough Council applications.

Please contact the Development Management (Planning) section if you require assistance:

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What if your application is not technically accurate?

Where possible, the planning merits of your proposal will be briefly pre-assessed at the same time as checking the technical accuracy and completeness of the application, so that if there are any alterations that are clearly required to make the application potentially acceptable, then these can be advised along with the reasons why the application is not technically accurate. We will contact you usually by letter or email requesting the missing information, amendments or further information required.

If the required information is not provided within 21 days of the request, then the Councils may assume you do not wish to proceed with the application

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Specialist advice

We may also seek specialist comments from other departments within the Council and external bodies on matters such as highway access and safety, effects on the environment and flood risk. This is part of the decision-making process.

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Application publicity

So that progress can be monitored by the public, applicants and agents electronically all applications are publicised on our website. These can be also viewed electronically at the councils' offices:

  • Worthing Town Hall,
    Chapel Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN11 1HA
  • The Shoreham Centre,
    Pond Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN43 5WU

Larger schemes may also be in paper format at The Shoreham Centre for Adur District Council applications or Worthing Town Hall for Worthing Borough Council applications.

Please contact the Development Management (Planning) section if you require assistance:

Applications may also be advertised in the local press.

Comments are open to public inspection and are available to view on the website. They are exempt from the Data Protection Act, however, we will endeavour not to include personal telephone numbers, email addresses or signatures on the website.

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How a decision is made on an application

The case officer will take many issues into account when considering an application:

  • Local and national planning policies
  • Views of other council services like Environmental Health
  • Views of county council services like Highways
  • Views of external bodies like The Environment Agency
  • Comments received from local people - (objecting to an application will not automatically mean that it will be refused)

The case officer will then come to a balanced view.

Decisions on most planning applications are made by the Council's planning officers under delegated powers.

However, if the proposal is major or very controversial it will usually be referred to the relevant Planning Committee for a decision. If the application is to be determined by one of the Planning Committees and you have made representations you will receive written notification of the date, time and venue for the meeting. You will also be given the opportunity to speak at the meeting.

The Council's Scheme of Delegation also enables local Members to request, not more than 28 days after the application is validated, that an application is brought before the Planning Committee if there are valid planning reasons for doing so. You can find your local councillors on the website.

Larger, more complex or controversial applications may be decided by the Planning Committee made up by Councillors. Councillors will receive a report which includes details of representations which have been made and the issues raised, together with the officer’s recommendation. There will also be a presentation of the application by an officer, usually with plans and photos of the site.

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When will I have a decision/how long does it take?

After the application becomes valid we aim to issue a decision for householder, advert, tree preservation order (TPO), change of use and other small scale applications within 8 weeks, and 13 weeks in the case of a major application.

However, there may be occasions that due to the complexity of an application, the need for amendments and/or a requirement for an application to be determined at one of the Planning Committees, a decision will take longer. The case officer will normally advise you of a revised timescale and where necessary agree a revised timetable in writing with you.

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How we inform you of the decision and appeals

Once a decision has been made on an application we send out the Decision Notice to the applicant or agent on the day the decision is made. The Notice will set out the reasons for approval or refusal of the application and, if permission has been granted, any conditions with which you have to comply.

The Decision Notice will also be made available on Public Access. However we no longer send out letters informing objectors of the decision.

There are no rights of appeal for third parties (objectors) who are unhappy with the planning decision. We will however explain the reason for the decision and how your comments were taken into account.

If your application has been refused there are two courses of action open to you:

  • Submit a revised application making amendments to address the reasons for refusal set out on the decision notice, or
  • Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate within 12 weeks for a householder application or six months for other application types from the date of the decision, following the guidance detailed in the decision notice, see: planning appeals

We advise making use of our pre-application service prior to submitting an application. Entering into pre-application discussions will help save time, wasted expense and avoid frustration. Discussions or a written response from a planning officer will be provided which can help steer proposals into a form that are more likely to be acceptable. For more information please see:

See also

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Amending the application after receiving planning permission

Non-material amendments (very minor) can be made to your planning permission without the need to make another application. The changes have to be small and must not change your permission in any significant way.

You should complete the Non-Material Amendments Form. This should be submitted with the revised drawings (with the changes highlighted). If you wish to make more significant changes or to amend or remove a condition, you will have to make a new application.

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Planning (Development Management)

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Full contact detailsFull contact details (Planning (Development Management))

Page last updated: 23 December 2024

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