Pest Control - Wasps and hornets

Note: Adur & Worthing Councils do not offer a pest control service. This page is to offer advice and information only. Please see our pest control homepage for how to find a pest control service.

About wasps and hornets

Britain has six species of wasps and one species of hornet.

Wasps are unmistakable in their yellow and black livery. The common wasp (vespula vulgaris) and the German wasp (vespula germanica) are the two species that you are most likely to encounter.

Hornets are much larger than a wasp and are recognised by their yellow and brown markings and are not as common as wasps.

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Lifecycle and nesting

Wasps and hornets make nest by chewing wood to make a papery pulp. They have a very strong social system.

Wasps and hornets usually builds their nests in a tree, in a hedge or even underground, but they can also build nests in buildings - often in a shed, a loft or even behind facing tiles on an exterior wall.

Initially there are no males in the nest, just the queen; and the workers who are sterile females.

In late August or early September males and fertile females (next year's queens) will be formed.

Mating takes place outside the nest after which the females will seek a suitable place for hibernation. The new queen wasps will emerge from hibernation in early spring and search for a suitable site to build her nest.

When she has chosen a suitable site the queen will build the beginnings of a nest in which she will lay her eggs.

She will tend the developing grubs until they emerge as first stage workers. After the emergence of these first workers the queen will stay in the nest and become nothing more than an egg-laying machine.

The workers busy themselves with nest enlargement and collecting high protein food, which includes insects to feed to the developing grubs. In return the grubs exude a sugary secretion which is taken by the workers and is also a useful food supplement which helps break down the high protein foods that are feed to the larvae.

Throughout the summer months the colony will continue to expand until the emergence of male wasps and next year's queens.

We have now come full circle and will see that with the passing of autumn and onset of winter the social structure of the nest is now in decline, the occupants will die.

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Problems wasps and hornets may cause

Besides being a hazard in bakeries and food production areas wasps can become a big problem in parks, gardens and around the home.

Many a picnic or barbecue has been ruined by the activities of wasps, they are at their most aggressive when the social structure of their nest is in decline.

Although fortunately rare, wasps have also been known to cause motoring accidents by flying in through open car windows causing the driver to panic.

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Are they a health hazard?

Wasps and hornets feed insects to their developing larvae, as well as high protein food which they will collect from fish, meat (including carrion), refuse bins, etc, possibly picking up harmful bacteria along the way.

A wasp or hornet sting is not only very painful; it can also cause, for some unfortunate people, anaphylactic shock that can prove fatal.

In the case of anaphylactic shock seek immediate medical assistance, as speed is the essence in such situations.

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Nest removal and control methods

Note: Do not approach a swarm or nest. Wasps and hornet can mobilize the entire nest to sting in defense, which can be highly dangerous to humans and other animals. The attack pheromone is released in case of threat to the nest.

Destruction of the nest isn't always necessary, after all wasps in some respects are beneficial; they will kill insects to feed the developing grubs and in a small way can even be pollinators.

Their pest status will to some extent be dependent on the nest location.

If treatment of the nest is considered necessary, it is important to remember that there are many dangers involved.

The best advice that you can receive is call in the professionals.

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Page last updated: 03 April 2024

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