Consultations - Licensing Act 2003
Below is a list of the applications under the Licensing Act 2003 that are outstanding and other licensing policy documents that the councils are currently consulting on or awaiting hearings.
These are the recently received applications for new licences/registrations and applications to vary existing licences/registrations:
All the applications and policy documents can be viewed in full at the Licensing Unit. All licensing hearings are held, in public, at the Shoreham Centre or Worthing Town Hall unless otherwise noted.
Under the Act minor variation applications cannot be dealt with at hearing but for:
- new premises licence applications
- new club premises certificate applications
- full variations to existing licences
For those that receive relevant representations from 'responsible authorities' and/or any other person, and mediation is unsuccessful or impractical, a hearing is required.
For a guide to making effective representations, see:
For a review of a premises licence, or a club premises certificate, a hearing must be held. See:
A summary of all the applications recently dealt with for:
- new premises licences and club premises certificates
- variations and Minor Variations to existing licences and certificates
- reviews of existing licences and certificates
- for details see: Completed Licensing Act & Gambling Act licence applications and Public Registers of Licences
All relevant representations received regarding a Licensing Act 2003 application will be forwarded unredacted to the applicant as required by the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005 and the Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (December 2023) issued by the Home Office. This will include a representor's name, address and contact details. The Licensing Act 2003 encourages mediation and an applicant will be encouraged to contact representors directly to discuss the application and mediate.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application made under the Licensing Act 2003 and the maximum fine for which a person is liable is £5,000 on summary conviction for the offence.
Minor Variation to the Premises Licence. at:
An application for a 'minor variation' to the premises licence at the 'Co-op'. The store is situated at Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6PA.
The premises licence authorises the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between 06:00hrs and 23:00hrs Monday to Sunday. The application seeks to vary the licence to authorise:
- Amendments to the layout of the plan
No other changes are proposed.
Licence holder and applicant: Co-operative Group Food Limited.
Consultation closes: Wednesday 18 September 2024
Committee Hearing: Not required for a minor variation.
For a minor variation application, in addition to the statutory 10 working day public consultation, the Licensing Authority has the discretion to consult any responsible authorities it considers necessary and relevant to the type of application. In this case, as it involves changes to the layout of the store that could potentially impact on the licensing objectives, Sussex Police, WSCC Fire & Rescue Service and the A&W Environmental Health Team are being consulted.
New Premises Licence at:
Beach Dreams
An application for a new premises licence for a proposed three day annual local music festival to be known as 'Beach Dreams'. The festival to be situated on Beach Green, Shoreham Beach, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5YA.
This festival ran for a number of years and was previously licensed at this site from 2014 until 2022. New organisers, a registered community interest company, are planning to resurrect the festival.
The application seeks to authorise the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises and the provision of regulated entertainment:
- Sale of alcohol:
- 18:00hrs to 20:30hrs Friday
- 12:00hrs to 21:30hrs Saturday
- 12:00hrs to 20:00hrs Sunday
- Provision of live and recorded music:
- 18:00hrs to 21:00hrs Friday
- 12:00hrs to 22:00hrs Saturday
- 12:00hrs to 20:00hrs Sunday
- Anything of a similar description to that falling within (e), (f) or (g):
- 14:00hrs to 14:30hrs Saturday
- Opening to the public
- 18:00hrs to 21:00hrs Friday
- 12:00hrs to 22:00hrs Saturday
- 12:00hrs to 20:00hrs Sunday
The applicant has offered a set of condition in the operating schedule to address the licensing objectives.
Licence holder and applicant: Original Allstars Music CIC
Consultation closes: Tuesday 8 October 2024
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for Tuesday 29 October 2024 @ 19:00hrs if required.
Review of the Premises Licence at:
Worthing High Street Food & Wine
An application for a review of the premises licence at 'Worthing High Street Food & Wine' under section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003. The store is situated at 6 Montague Street, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3HA.
The store's premises licence permits the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between 08:00hrs and 23:00hrs Sunday to Thursday and 08:00hrs and 00:00hrs Friday and Saturday.
The application has been submitted by WSCC Trading Standards Service and requests that the Licensing Authority considers:
- revocation of the premises licence
The grounds for review being the applicant contends the following licensing objectives have been undermined at the store:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- the protection of children from harm
Following the discovery of substantial quantities of illicit e-cigarettes/vapes and counterfeit goods at the store.
Licence holder and applicant: Suraj Singh Chawla / WSCC Trading Standards Service
Consultation closes: Wednesday 3 July 2024
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for Monday 30 September 2024 @ 10:00hrs
The hearing has been subject to an adjournment and rescheduled.
New Premises Licence at:
Broadfest - Broadwater Green
An application for a new premises licence for a three-day event to be known as 'Broadfest' situated at Broadwater Green, Broadwater Street West, Worthing, West Sussex.
The application seeks authorisation for the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises and the provision of regulated entertainment.
- Sale of alcohol:
- 16:00hrs - 20:00hrs on Friday
- 12:00hrs - 20:00hrs on Saturday
- 10:00hrs - 16:00hrs on Sunday
- Live music:
- 12:00hrs - 20:00hrs on Saturday
- Recorded music:
- 16:00hrs - 20:00hrs on Friday
- 10:00hrs - 16:00hrs on Sunday
- Performance of dance:
- 10:00hrs - 16:00hrs on Sunday
- Opening to the public:
- 16:00hrs - 20:00hrs on Friday
- 12:00hrs - 20:00hrs on Saturday
- 10:00hrs - 16:00hrs on Sunday
The applicant has offered a set of conditions in the operating schedule to address the licensing objectives.
Licence holder and applicant: Highdown Rotary
Consultation closes: Friday 13 September 2024
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for 09 October 2024 if required.
Minor Variation to the Premises Licence at:
Sea Lane Café
An application for a 'minor variation' to the premises licence at 'Sea Lane Café'. The café is situated at Marine Crescent, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 4HR.
The premises licence authorises the following licensable activities:
- Sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises:
- 10:00hrs and 00:00hrs Monday to Saturday
- 12:00hrs to 23:30hrs on Sunday
- Provision of late night refreshment:
- 23:00hrs and 00:00hrs Monday to Saturday
- 23:00hrs - 23:30hrs Sunday
The application seeks to remove the following conditions of licence:
- Intoxicating liquor shall not be sold or supplied on the premises otherwise than to persons taking table meals there or for consumption by such a person as an ancillary to his meal.
- It is an implied condition of this licence that suitable beverages other than intoxicating liquor (including drinking water) shall be equally available for consumption with to otherwise as an ancillary to meals served in the premises.
No other changes are proposed.
Licence holder and applicant: Mr Peter Attwood and Gavin Trimmer
Consultation closes: Friday 13 September 2024
Committee Hearing: Not required for a minor variation.
For a minor variation application, in addition to the statutory 10 working day public consultation, the Licensing Authority has the discretion to consult any responsible authorities it considers necessary and relevant to the type of application. In this case, as it involves changes to the conditions of licence that could potentially impact the licensing objectives, Sussex Police, A&W Environmental Health Team and WSCC Fire & Rescue Service are being consulted.
New Premises Licence at:
An application for a new premises licence for a bar & diner, with non-gambling gaming room and karaoke room, to be known as 'Vibe'. The venue is to be situated at 8-9 Montague Place, Worthing, BN11 3BG and has been licensed in the past as a café.
The application seeks authorisation for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises and the provision of regulated entertainment.
- Sale of alcohol:
- 10:30hrs to 22:00hrs Sunday - Wednesday
- 10:30hrs to 23:30hrs Thursday - Saturday
- Recorded music:
- 09:00hrs to 22:30hrs Sunday - Wednesday
- 09:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Thursday - Saturday
- Opening to the public:
- 09:00hrs to 22:30hrs Sunday - Wednesday
- 09:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Thursday - Saturday
The applicant has offered a set of conditions in the operating schedule to address the licensing objectives.
Licence holder and applicant: Roskilly Trading Ltd.
Consultation closes: Wednesday 18 September 2024
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for Wednesday 09 October 2024 @ 18:30hrs if required.
Minor Variation to the Premises Licence at:
Co-Op (Field Place)
An application for a 'minor variation' to the premises licence at the 'Co-Op'. The store is situated at 3-6 Field Place Parade, Worthing, BN12 6BS.
The premises licence authorises the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between 06:00hrs and 23:00hrs Monday to Sunday. The application seeks to vary the licence to authorise:
- Changes to the internal layout of the premises
No other changes are proposed.
Licence holder and applicant: Co-Operative Group Food Ltd.
Consultation closes: Tuesday 24 September 2024
Committee Hearing: Not required for a Minor variation
For a minor variation application, in addition to the statutory 10 working day public consultation, the Licensing Authority has the discretion to consult any responsible authorities it considers necessary and relevant to the type of application. In this case, as it involves changes to the layout of the store that could potentially impact on the licensing objectives, Sussex Police, WSCC Fire & Rescue Service and the A&W Environmental Health Team are being consulted.
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Page last updated: 13 September 2024