Adur Homes - Dealing with anti-social behaviour

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We recognise the negative impact that anti-social behaviour can have on communities, which is why we treat reports of any-social behaviour very seriously.

Working in partnership with residents and other local agencies, we are committed to doing all we can to deal with, and prevent, anti-social behaviour and provide the best possible environment for all our residents.

As a resident, you are expected to respect your neighbours and the local environment, and to keep to the conditions of your tenancy. You are also responsible for the behaviour of your family, pets and any visitors.

What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour is persistent conduct that:

  • causes alarm, distress or harassment to one or more people in another household
  • causes annoyance or suffering to a community
  • negatively impacts the wider environment, such as public buildings or spaces

Anti-social behaviour can include incidents of excessive noise, intimidation, verbal abuse, vandalism and rubbish dumping.

Disputes over property or boundaries or incidents of inconsiderate parking are not generally considered to be examples of anti-social behaviour.

For more information about how what Adur & Worthing Councils are doing to tackle anti-social behaviour, including what behaviour is classed as anti-social, please see:

Report an incident of anti-social behaviour

If you are an Adur Homes tenant or leaseholder:

If you are not an Adur Homes tenant or leaseholder:

You may also want to consider using independent mediation to help resolve a dispute within your community and find a solution that works for all parties. West Sussex Mediation Service offers free advice to all residents in Adur and Worthing. For more information please see:

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Page last updated: 24 November 2023

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