Revenue and Capital Outturn
The outturn report compares the actual expenditure for the year to the approved budget for the year.
The outturn report is the fourth budget monitoring report for the financial year.
Current reports
Revenue Outturn report - 2017-18:
Capital Outturn report - 2017-18:
See also:
Previous Revenue and Capital Outturn documents
Up until 2013-14 the revenue and capital outturn were in one committee report.
From 2014-15 on they are now separate committee reports.
Revenue Outturn report - 2016-17:
Capital Outturn report - 2016-17:
Revenue Outturn report - 2015-16:
Capital Outturn report - 2015-16:
Revenue Outturn report - 2014-15:
Capital Outturn report - 2014-15:
For older documents please contact the Financial Services Team.
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Page last updated: 20 December 2024