Report a street light or sign problem

Street lights, illuminated bollards and road signs

Most of the street lights, illuminated bollards and road signs in Adur and Worthing are looked after by West Sussex County Council (WSCC). There are a few exceptions which we are responsible for maintaining, including the lighting on Worthing Promenade.

Please report any broken, faulty, damaged or hazardous lights or illuminated signs/bollards to WSCC via their contractors SSE, using the link below:

Lighting on Worthing Promenade

Any issues relating to the lighting on Worthing Promenade, including the decorative lights, should be reported to us via:

Street nameplates 

Please report any damaged, vandalised or missing street nameplates to us via:

We will need to know:

  • the location of the street nameplate
  • a description of the problem
  • when you saw the problem

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Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:

West Sussex County Council Highways

TelephonePlease see the 'full contact details'

Full contact detailsFull contact details (West Sussex County Council Highways)

Page last updated: 05 July 2024

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