Self-build and Custom House Building Register

What is Self-Build and Custom House building?

Self-build housing usually means that you are directly involved in organising the design and construction of your new home. Custom build usually means working with a specialist developer to help you deliver your home.

There may be some overlap between the two - for example some custom build developers offer the option of a serviced plot where you can design and build your own home as part of a larger scheme.

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The Self-Build and Custom House Building Register

The Self-Build and Custom House Building Regulations 2016 requires all Local Authorities to maintain and publish a Self-Build and Custom House Building Register for individuals and associations of individuals who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in the Local Authority's area. Entering the Register does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified or made available to applicants. Local Authorities are not obliged to find plots that match your specific requirements so you may have to undertake your own research to identify a suitable plot.

Adur & Worthing Councils have maintained a Self-Build and Custom House Building Register since 2016. The Councils will use the Register to assess the level of demand for self-build and custom build plots in the District and Borough so we can plan to meet this need. However, please note this is not a duty to provide a plot directly to each individual on the register.

There is very little available land in either the Adur District or Worthing Borough and Adur & Worthing Councils do not have significant land holdings. To date, no specific opportunities for self-build have been identified by the Councils in Adur and Worthing.

Parts 1 & 2 of the Register

The Register is divided into Part 1 and Part 2:

Part 1: for entries onto Part 1 of the Register, applicants (individuals and associations of individuals) must meet the national eligibility criteria (below) and are also required to prove they have a local connection as set out in local eligibility criteria (below) to either Adur District or Worthing Borough. Applicants may be required to submit additional information to support their application in this respect. Successful applications that have satisfied both the national and local eligibility criteria local connection tests will be placed on Part 1 of the Register.

Part 2: Applicants whose applications are unsuccessful for Part 1 of the Register will be placed on Part 2 of the Register where they meet the national eligibility criteria (below). There is no obligation for the District/Borough Council to provide plots for entries on Part 2 of the Register, but the District/Borough Council will have regard to this when carrying out planning, housing, land disposal and regeneration functions.

National Eligibility Criteria

If you are seeking to register interest in self-build and custom house building in either Adur or Worthing, please be aware that each individual applicant and every member of an association of individuals that applies for entry on the Register must be:

  • over the age of 18;
  • a British citizen, a national of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland;
  • seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in Adur District or Worthing Borough to build a house to occupy as your sole or main residence.

Local Eligibility Criteria (Local Connection Test)

In accordance with the Self-Build and Custom House Building Regulations 2016, Adur & Worthing Councils have set local eligibility criteria. For entry onto Part 1 of the Register individual applicants, or every member of an association, making an application must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Applicants have lived in either Adur District or Worthing Borough for at least five years on a continuous basis prior to their application; or
  • Applicants have an immediate family member (mother, father, brother, sister, adult son/daughter) who currently lives in either Adur District or Worthing Borough and have done so on a continuous basis for at least five years prior to your application; or
  • Applicants have been working in full-time or part-time employment (greater than 15 hours per week) in either Adur District or Worthing Borough for at least five years on a continuous basis prior to the application and continue to do so; or
  • Serving members of the British Armed Forces (or those who have served in the previous five years), and bereaved spouses or civil partners of those serving in the armed forces, who are residing in Military of Defence accommodation and serving or former members of the British Armed Forces who have a serious injury, illness or disability as a result of their service.

Note: Applicants will be required to submit relevant information to support their application to meet the criteria (for further clarification please see the requirements in FAQs below).

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Planning Permission

Any proposals for self-build or custom-build housing will require a formal planning application and will be subject to all relevant planning policies. If you would like to discuss your self-build or custom build proposal with us, we would encourage you to use our Pre-Application Planning Advice service.

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Register your interest

If you are a couple or members of the same household, please apply as an individual applicant and nominate one person as the main point of contact whose name and address will be included in the Register.

If you are applying on behalf of an association of individuals (a group of people who wish to secure several plots for self or custom house building), you may need to give details of how each member of the association meets the eligibility criteria (see FAQs below for a list of evidence the councils will accept).

Eligibility to be entered onto Part 1 of the Register will be based on the information provided, and assessed against both the national and local eligibility criteria.

Whether your application is successful or unsuccessful, the relevant Council will notify you in writing either by email or post within 28 days of the date of the application. You will not need to submit evidence with your application however the councils reserve the right to contact you to request the appropriate evidence in future. If such a request is made, you will be required to provide the evidence within 15 working days.

If you would like to join the Self-Build and Custom House building Register please complete the form to register your interest:

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If you have any queries or need help or advice in completing the form, please contact:

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Review of Register

The Councils will review the Register from time-to-time to ensure that those registered still meet the relevant criteria.

Applicants can request to be removed from the Register at any time. Please notify the Council in writing as soon as possible and we will remove your entry from the Register within 28 days of receiving your request.

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What is a local connection (family member)?

Applicants who have a family member (mother, father, brother, sister or adult children) currently residing in either Adur District or Worthing Borough and have done so for at least the last five continuous years (the residence and family connection must be proven by the applicant).

What is a local connection (employment)?

Applicants who do not reside in Adur District or Worthing Borough but are employed in either the District or Borough and this employment has been ongoing on a continuous basis for at least the last five years and is likely to continue on an ongoing basis. If requested, employment must be proven and verified and must be paid employment which is regular and be for a minimum of 15 hours per week on average. Zero hours contracts will not be considered as regular employment for the purposes of this policy.

When is a local connection lost?

Local connection is lost in the following situations:

  • When an applicant who was previously living in the District or Borough moves out of the area; or
  • When an applicant has a local connection by virtue of their employment in the District or Borough and that employment ceases; or
  • When an applicant has a local connection by virtue of a family member living in the District or Borough and that family member ceases to live in the District or Borough.

What does 'Regular armed forces of the Crown' mean?

'Regular armed forces of the Crown' means the regular forces within the meaning of section 374 of the Armed Forces Act 2006(1).

What evidence can be accepted?

Evidence may include the following:

  • Evidence of residency in the District or Borough, through submission of utility bills, Council Tax statements and/or lease agreements.
  • Evidence of employment in the District or Borough, through submission of employment contracts or a letter from your employer which includes your name and their address.
  • Evidence of immediate family (mother, father, brother, sister, adult son/daughter) in the District or Borough through Council Tax statements or utility bills.
  • Military identification card or evidence of past service including the date of leaving service.

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Page last updated: 08 August 2022

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