New investment could transform the heart of Lancing

Released: Wednesday, 20 March 2024

New pocket parks could be created in the heart of Lancing's main shopping area to make it more welcoming and appealing for the community.

We are discussing proposals with West Sussex County Council that could see hundreds of thousands of pounds invested in North Road to help regenerate the area.

One option would see new small areas of greenery and seating created at the junctions with Penstone Park and North Farm Road to encourage residents to spend more time there.

Both junctions would be permanently closed to traffic, making it easier and safer for pedestrians to use North Road and to enjoy the pocket parks.

We hope to fund the work using up to £500,000 from the county council as part of the Adur Growth Deal, a five-year partnership programme between the two councils that led to the transformation of Southwick Square on time and on budget in 2023.

Officers and councillors from the two councils have held initial discussions about investment in Lancing already. If the county council agrees to back the North Road idea, we will consult local businesses and the community to find out what they think.

Residents said that improving the centre of Lancing as an urban green space where people could meet and socialise was a key priority for them when the Lancing: Now and into the Future project was launched in 2022.

Lancing: Now and into the Future is part of our commitment to work with and for the community to prioritise projects that meet residents' needs and aspirations.

Another priority for residents was to see more projects that directly benefit local people, in particular the creation of better green spaces in the area.

We have since agreed to spend around £100,000 of funding from developers to upgrade the play equipment at Shadwells Road park.

Work is expected to begin on the park later this year, to create a playground that better serves the community and meets the needs of local children.

We have also worked with flexible office company Freedom Works to transform the former Lancing police station building into the community, charity and small business space in North Road known as Fabric.

It is now considering options for the redevelopment of the site for the benefit of the whole community.

In the interim we are looking for community partners to take over the running of the building while decisions are made about its long-term future.

Cllr Steve Neocleous, Adur's cabinet member for regeneration and strategic planning, said:

“We are determined to help Lancing grow and thrive for the benefit of all of our community and we are delighted to be using the feedback obtained from our extensive participation work with the many groups of people who have contributed to Lancing: Now and into the Future.

“Transforming North Road with new, attractive public spaces so that our residents want to spend more time there would help revitalise the heart of the village.”

Cllr Steve Waight, West Sussex County Council's cabinet member for support services and economic development, said:

“I am pleased to continue the successful partnership working that is now seeking to improve this part of Lancing for the residents, businesses and visitors.”

To find out more about Lancing: Now and into the Future, see:

Image: Visualisation of the concept design for the Penstone Park junction

PR24-041 - Visualisation of the concept design for the Penstone Park junction


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Page last updated: 11 February 2025

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