The Gambling Commission
The Gambling Commission is a powerful regulator with powers to enforce strict codes of responsibility. It regulates all commercial gambling in Great Britain, except:
- 'spread betting' currently regulated by the Financial Services Authority
- the National Lottery regulated by the National Lottery Commission
The Gambling Commission replaced the old Gaming Board for Great Britain in regulating gaming and certain lotteries and is responsible for regulating betting and remote gaming in Great Britain.
Three objectives underpin all the work of the Commission and licensing authorities, and are central to the regulatory regime:
- keeping gambling crime free
- making sure that gambling is fair and open
- protecting children and vulnerable adults from being harmed or exploited by gambling
The Act provides protection for children and vulnerable adults from the effects of harmful gambling through a number of specific offences that prevent children and young people from being given access to inappropriate or harmful gambling opportunities.
In particular, it is an offence to invite or permit a child or a young person to gamble contrary to the provisions of the Act.
The Gambling Commission has a duty to promote socially responsible gambling through licence conditions and codes of practice directed at those providing facilities for gambling. Sharing with local licensing authorities, the Council, responsibility for granting gaming and betting permissions.
The Act also provides powers for the Gambling Commission to void bets that are unfair, for example due to cheating. Whilst a Gambling Appeals Tribunal has been established to hear appeals against decisions made by the Commission. Magistrates' Courts will hear appeals against decisions made by the licensing authority.
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Page last updated: 07 August 2024