Discretionary grants and assistance
Other grants and assistance
There are other discretionary grants available to help assist people who have disabilities. They are discretionary, which means they are subject to funds being available. However, mandatory grants will be prioritised first, such as Disabled Facilities Grants.
Better Care Fund
The Better Care Fund is a government initiative designed to ensure health (NHS) and social care services work together more closely to deliver better services and improve health and wellbeing in the community. The fund has provided an increase in funding for Disabled Facilities Grants and allowed for more flexibility in spending, so we can provide more people with more tailored care, when they need it.
Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grant Top Up
If you have been awarded a Disabled Facilities Grant and the cost of the eligible works is more than £30,000 (the maximum amount for the scheme), a Discretionary Disabled Facilities Top Up Grant can be awarded to help fund the works.
Moving Home Grant
If you are eligible to receive a Disabled Facilities Grant but it is not practical to adapt your current home (ie it is on a sloping site), the Moving Home Grant can assist with up to £10,000 of the costs of moving to a new home which is more suitable for your needs, or more practical to adapt.
Hospital Discharge Grant
This grant is available to pay for any urgent works to a disabled person's home which are needed before they can be discharged from hospital. Eligible works can include deep cleaning, house clearance, minor repairs and small purchases, with the aim that any repairs and improvements would ensure that living at home is not harmful to their health and to avoid them being readmitted to hospital. Grants are available up to £5,000 and are not means-tested.
Hospital Discharge Grants are offered alongside West Sussex County Council's Deep Clean / Minor Repair Service, and are intended to be used where the nature of the works falls outside their remit.
Abortive Fee Grant
This grant is available to cover reasonable fees and charges incurred by applicants for a Disabled Facilities Grant when they have engaged the services of a professional to advise on what works are required, or whether a Disabled Facilities Grant project is feasible. If the works cannot proceed any fees would be paid for via this grant, while if the work does go ahead fees would be covered by the Disabled Facilities Grant.
Safe Suitable and Warm Homes Grant
If you have a disability and on a low income, this grant is available to help you make eligible improvements and repairs to reduce the risks of living at home, including improving electrical and gas safety, boiler repairs or replacement or loft or cavity wall insulation. This grant may also be available in palliative care situations. Grants are available up to £10,000 and usually only available to homeowners, rather than tenants.
Means Test Contribution Waiver
If you apply for a grant and the Statutory Grant Means Test deems that you are required to contribute to the eligible works, we can waive up to £5,000 of that contribution and pay it from discretionary funds. This is called the Standard Discretionary Waiver.
If after this you still have a contribution to make and it is unrealistic that you would be able to pay it due to debt or hardship, we can waive your entire contribution towards the eligible works in some cases. To be considered for an Exceptional Discretionary Waiver you would need to be able to show that you have no savings and no realistic prospect of being able to obtain finance to cover your contribution. These full waivers are only granted in exceptional cases and after discussion at our Grant Panel.
How to apply
For more information about any of these grants, or to apply, please contact the Private Sector Housing team.
You can find more information about all these grants in the West Sussex Disabled Facilities Grants Policy:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Private Sector Housing Team
Page last updated: 12 July 2024