Report a nuisance smell (odour)

Commercial smells

If a business or commercial property is causing a smell or odour which is affecting you or your enjoyment of your home you can report it to us for investigation (see below).

If we are satisfied that the smell is causing a statutory nuisance an abatement notice will be served which requires those responsible to act to stop or reduce the problem.

Domestic smells

We cannot deal with smell or odour problems from a domestic property, for instance cooking smells from a neighbour's home.

However the cause of the smell may be something we can investigate, for instance if it is linked to the keeping of animals, smoke from a domestic bonfire or the accumulation of waste. You can report it to us for investigation (see below).

Agricultural smells

Muck spreading is a standard agricultural practice which can cause strong smells or odours. Prevailing winds can carry these odours some distance across fields and into residential areas.

Farmers are asked to follow best practice guidelines when muck spreading to help minimise odours, and we would not usually investigate any complaints unless the smell is particularly excessive or prolonged.

Report a nuisance smell or odour

You can make a complaint or enquiry to us via our online portal:

  • After clicking the link you will need to register in order to submit a complaint or enquiry.
  • Once registered please click on 'Requests' - then 'Submit a Request Complaint'.
  • When entering complaint details please choose 'Environmental Protection' under 'Request Subject'.

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Page last updated: 15 April 2024

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