Apply for a postal or proxy vote
If you know you are going to be unable to vote in person on an election day, you can apply to vote by post or proxy. This needs to be done in advance.
Voting by post
You may want to apply to vote by post if you know you are going to be away from home or abroad on the date of an election. You can apply to vote by post either for a single election, for a specific period or for the maximum three-year period.
If it is for a specific election there will be a deadline by which you must apply to vote by post - please contact us to check when you need to return your form by.
Postal votes need to be reapplied for before the timeframe expires, which would be on the 31st January after the postal vote was originally granted.
From the 31st October 2023, due to a change in legislation, all postal vote applications require a National Insurance number to verify identity. If you do not have this, evidence will be required to verify identity, such as - driving licence, passport etc.
The easiest way to apply for a postal vote is online:
If you require assistance to use the online portal, or require a paper application form, please contact elections:
- on 01903 221069
- or via email
Voting by proxy
If you cannot go to your polling station then you can ask someone you trust to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote.
You must have a valid reason to apply for a proxy vote, such as:
- you are away from home or abroad on polling day
- you have a disability or other medical issue
- you are not able to vote in person because of work or military service
An individual can only act as a proxy for the maximum of four people and only two of which can be domestic electors.
Proxy vote applications now require an applicant to supply their National Insurance number, or other suitable evidence, to verify identity.
Proxy votes will normally only be valid for current elections taking place. A temporary proxy can only be applied for once the date of an election has been set.
Permanent proxy votes cannot be issued unless an elector is living overseas or living with a permanent illness or disability. Applications will require supporting evidence.
The easiest way to apply for a proxy vote is online:
For those currently holding a permanent proxy vote, we will shortly write to all electors with existing proxy arrangements to advise them that their current proxy will be cancelled from Wednesday 31st January 2024. We will advise them on how to reapply if they wish to use a proxy vote at future elections.
If you require assistance to use the online portal, or require a paper application form, please contact elections:
- on 01903 221069
- or via email
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Electoral Services
Page last updated: 08 November 2023