Appealing your Business Rates
If you think your Business Rates are wrong
You can contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to check and compare your business property’s rateable value:
If having checked the valuation you still think it is wrong you can submit a challenge to the VOA.
If you don’t agree with the outcome of the challenge, you can appeal to the VOA.
For more information about the appeals process please see:
Appealing your rateable value is a free service. You may choose to instruct a private agent or surveyor to appeal on your behalf, but they will charge you. Before you employ anyone to represent you we recommend you check they are qualified members of either:
- The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or
- The Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV)
Remember that if you make a challenge to the VOA, you will still have to pay your usual Business Rates instalments while you wait for a decision.
If you think your property has been measured incorrectly
The VOA uses zoning to measure retail premises for valuation purposes. If you think your property measurements are wrong you can check them with the VOA, and request changes.
To find out more about how the VOA measure property please see:
If you think the address details of your property are incorrect
Please contact us so we can check and advise the VOA if necessary:
If you think you qualify for a reduction in your bill
If you believe you qualify for a Business Rates relief or exemption but have not been awarded it, please contact us to discuss. You may choose to employ a rating advisor to represent you, but this will cost you, and does not guarantee your appeal will be successful. Before employing anyone please check that they are suitably qualified. See:
If you disagree with a Council decision relating to your Business Rates
If you wish to appeal a decision made by us, you should first contact us to explain why you think an error has been made.
If the matter cannot be resolved it may be referred to the Valuation Tribunal, or to the Magistrate's Court. There is also the option to take an appeal to a higher court. We recommend you seek independent legal advice if you are considering an appeal.
If your property is in poor repair
If your property is in poor repair, or undergoing refurbishment or structural repairs it may affect your Business Rates. To find out more please see:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Adur Business Rates
Worthing Business Rates
Page last updated: 03 February 2021