New building techniques to be used for greener Adur council homes
Released: Thursday, 01 February 2024
Innovative modern construction methods will be used to build greener and more cost-effective council homes in Lancing.
We have appointed contractors to build a total of 23 new homes at our Daniel Close and Gravelly Crescent garage compounds and on our South Street car park site using new sustainable building techniques.
At Daniel Close and Gravelly Crescent, modules will be built in a factory by Boutique Modern and then craned onto the house foundations to create 16 homes.
At the South Street development, a panel system will be used by Sunninghill in which factory-built walls, roof and floors will be slotted into place on-site to create 7 homes.
Both of these building methods significantly reduce the amount of construction work that happens on-site, meaning all three projects will cause minimal disruption to local residents.
Creating sections of the houses in a controlled factory environment also reduces waste in the building process, making the projects more sustainable and more cost-effective. The new houses will be highly insulated and therefore will be energy efficient and cheaper to run for future tenants.
We're championing the modern methods of construction (MMC) approach, such as the use of structural insulated panels and modular house-building techniques, throughout our new projects.
The new homes will be funded from the sale of other council houses to tenants, known as Right to Buy receipts. This money is ring-fenced, meaning it's specifically set aside for securing new, affordable homes in Adur.
The developments are part of our small sites programme, which aims to transform under-utilised sites we own to provide modern homes for local people. Residents have moved into six of these new homes already this year.
Cllr Carson Albury, Adur's cabinet member for Adur Homes and customer services, said:
“Our community is in need of new council housing and these developments on brownfield sites will allow us to meet that need whilst protecting our green spaces.
"We're using modern, innovative building techniques to construct these homes. This means that, as well as being of high quality, these houses will cause minimal disruption to our local area whilst they're under construction, and be energy-efficient once they're completed.”
Photo: The old garages on the Daniel Close site
Photos: South Street car park in Lancing
Page last updated: 16 January 2025