Adur council finances on track after tough decisions are made

Released: Thursday, 30 November 2023

Adur District Council's budget is back on track after new spending restrictions helped bring running costs down.

At the end of June this year, we were forecasting that we would be £254,000 over budget for the financial year because of unexpected increases in costs.

Since then we have identified further opportunities to reduce costs and make savings so that by the end of September around £287,000 of savings had been found - meaning there is now a forecast underspend of more than £30,000 for the year.

Tackling homelessness and supporting those unable to afford their rent because of the national restrictions on housing benefit is expected to cost us more than £530,000 over what had been budgeted for.

However delaying some projects has saved us an estimated £344,000, while increased car parking income, lower maintenance costs and higher interest rates on our investments have also helped.

Details of the latest budget position are included in a report to be considered by the Joint Strategic Committee at the Shoreham Centre at 7pm on Thursday 7th December.

We're facing tight financial restrictions caused by a reduction in central government funding and increasing pressure outside our control from inflation and cost of living challenges, like every other local authority in the country.

We're continuing to prioritise our spending through new tighter controls on expenditure, making savings in staffing and resources, and postponing or cancelling some less vital work in favour of funding frontline services for the community.

In 2023/24, on average just £324 of the council tax paid on a Band D home in Adur will go to us - the equivalent of £6.23 per week - to fund services including waste and recycling collection, support for the most vulnerable and the maintenance of parks, open spaces and the shore.

Cllr Neil Parkin, the leader of Adur District Council, said:

“This continues to be a very challenging time for the council financially because of factors outside our control.

“We have had to make some difficult decisions so far in 2023, but this has meant that we have gained a firm grip on spending and can be confident about our services over the coming months.

“This council will continue to focus its resources on supporting those most in need across our community, keeping the wishes of our residents at the heart of everything we do.”

To read the Joint Strategic Committee report or to listen to the meeting visit:

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Page last updated: 03 October 2024

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