Pioneering partnership to help tackle homelessness in Worthing

Released: Tuesday, 28 November 2023

New supported accommodation to tackle homelessness in Worthing is on the way thanks to an innovative new partnership.

Worthing Borough Council is working with housing association Worthing Homes, homelessness charity Turning Tides and Homes England to create 21 much-needed apartments to prevent people sleeping rough.

Worthing Homes has purchased Skywaves House, an empty building in Ivy Arch Road in Worthing, as a site for the new accommodation. Demolition of the building has now begun.

The council and Worthing Homes have secured more than £2.6m of funding for the project from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) via its Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme. DLUHC has also provided the council and Worthing Homes with almost £1.4m to support homelessness provision elsewhere in the borough.

Worthing Homes will oversee the construction of the new apartments, which will be managed and run by Turning Tides.

Staff from Turning Tides will provide 24-hour support to the residents, including help with mental and physical health issues, employment and life skills, and specialist support for any residents who are dealing with addiction issues. Residents will also be prepared for a move into longer-term, sustainable accommodation.

Cllr Emma Taylor-Beal, Worthing's cabinet member for housing and citizen services, said:

“The housing crisis in Worthing has left scores of citizens at risk every night of having to sleep on the streets.

“That is totally unacceptable and I will not rest until we have enough accommodation not just for the seen, but also the unseen who have been left behind by society.

“These new apartments will allow us to put a roof over the heads of some of the least resilient members of our community.

“The on-site multi-agency support will ensure that we are able to meet the often multiple, complex needs of each individual and where possible work to enable them to move towards fully independent living.”

Donna Cezair, the chief executive of Worthing Homes, said:

“We are always keen to work with our local partners to get the best results for Worthing.”

John Holmstrom, the chief executive of Turning Tides, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to support Worthing Borough Council in our collective mission to end rough-sleeping locally.

“This new accommodation service will be transformative to the residents supported and we thank Worthing Homes for its support in developing this service in partnership with us.”

The apartments will form part of a three-storey development on the site, which will also include office space for Turning Tides, the council and partners as well as communal facilities and private gardens for the residents.

As part of the council's commitment towards net zero, the building will also have solar panels installed on its roof to generate clean energy and air source heat pumps to provide environmentally-friendly warmth for the building.

It is hoped that the first residents will be able to move there in 2025.

Photos: Skywaves House in Worthing - demolition

PR23-169 - Skywaves House in Worthing - demolition (1)

PR23-169 - Skywaves House in Worthing - demolition (2)

PR23-169 - Skywaves House in Worthing - demolition (3)

PR23-169 - Skywaves House in Worthing - demolition (4)


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Page last updated: 03 October 2024

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