Review of development at the Western Harbour Arm


The Adur Local Plan (adopted 2017) and Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (adopted 2019) set a planning policy framework for the regeneration of the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area:

The Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) was prepared by the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Partnership, comprising Adur District Council, Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC), West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and Shoreham Port Authority.

The JAAP identified seven 'character areas', one of which, the Western Harbour Arm, is located entirely within Adur and was identified within the Adur Local Plan 2017 a strategic mixed use area suitable for the development of a minimum of 1,100 homes. (The area was originally allocated in the South East Plan 2009 for potentially 'up to 10,000 dwellings'; the number was reduced through testing matters including capacity and viability). This brownfield allocation formed a key component of the Local Plan strategy to address housing needs in the period up to 2032, due to a lack of other suitable sites.

Sites within Western Harbour Arm are coming forward for development, earlier in the plan period, and at greater densities than previously anticipated. These are positive indications in terms of indicating the demand for the sites, and bringing new homes of various tenures forward; however there are some community concerns regarding the provision of infrastructure given the higher levels of housing and the design and 'placemaking' aspects of the new development. Furthermore there have been changes to national planning policy since the adoption of the JAAP. The Shoreham area development sites map is periodically updated to show the status of development sites in the area:

The factors indicated above give rise to need for a 'sense check' as to:

  • whether previous infrastructure requirements are still appropriate given policy changes/level of development; and if not, to determine the updated requirements and means of delivery
  • implications of higher dwelling numbers (and resulting higher developments) on sense of place, visual impact, place shaping, delivery of open space etc.

The review will inform the emerging Adur Local Plan update and/or refreshed planning guidance, ensuring that individual developments are contributing to delivering the vision to transform the regeneration area into a vibrant, thriving waterside destination; and the area priorities for the Western Harbour Arm, including:

  • the comprehensive redevelopment to become an exemplar sustainable mixed use area.
  • high quality building design, townscape and public realm
  • maximising the intensification and redevelopment opportunities

Review of development:

Part 1: internal analysis and review

Part 1 of the review is underway. A summary of developments granted consent within the Western Harbour Arm allocation can be found on the Shoreham area development sites map page, this will be updated periodically to show the status of development sites in the area:

The council has prepared a number of topic papers on specific issues:

Further documents will be added as they become available.

Part 2: place-making and design

The council has commissioned external support to assist in developing design guidance for remaining sites at the Western Harbour Arm. These will be made available on this page in due course.

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Page last updated: 29 January 2024

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