Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 Consultation Feedback

Note: To view information about the Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 Consultation please see the consultation page.

Adur Local Plan (logo)

A consultation on the Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 was held September to November 2013. Almost 1,100 responses were received from individuals, businesses and stakeholders. These are currently being considered by officers to help inform the next version of the Adur Local Plan. A database report containing all representations received may be found below. (Please note this does not contain the names of individuals, or any other contact details).

Given the interest in the Local Plan some 'standard responses' to some of the most frequently-raised issues, objections and queries have been put together. Please note these are officer-level comments only and have not been formally endorsed by the Council. They are not a 'formal' part of the statutory Local Plan process. However they seek to provide some 'feedback'. If an issue you have raised has not been dealt with, please bear in mind that all representations received by the Council as part of the Revised Draft Adur Local Plan Consultation 2013 have been input into a database and are being looked at and considered by planning officers. There is no need to resend your representation, or to respond to these standard responses. Please note that this is not a consultation exercise.

In addition an Interim Statement of Consultation has been produced. This sets out how the consultation exercise operated, who was consulted, what methods were used, and gives some analysis to the responses received (although please note it does not give responses to any issues raised).

The representations report, standard responses and Interim Statement of Consultation are also available to view at Adur Civic Centre reception and Portland House, Worthing (on request). See the:

In addition, further background studies and evidence work are being undertaken at present, which will also feed into the next version of the Adur Local Plan:

Standard responses:

Interim Statement of Consultation:

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Page last updated: 14 March 2014

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